I confess that I, like many others , spend too much of my day “working off of email." Part of the reason is being conditioned to think that customer service and response time is expected to be ASAP. In the vast majority of cases, I know that isn’t really necessary and it would be quite possible to check email just a few times per day.
Let me share a tool that I find very powerful for desktop searching of emails. It's called Yahoo Toolbar. I use this frequently each day to quickly find information. You can search by date, sender, receiver, subject, contacts, attachments, key words and more. This is the one I use and I am sure there are others. Major time saver!
I am also testing a new and seemingly highly rated new desktop organizer called Xobni.
See this posting from Allison Shield's Legal Ease blog for more great tips: "Do Something! Manage Your Email Inbox"